The vast majority of humans in most books for kids are white and sometimes the characters are portrayed as animals in order to avoid having them be members of one race or another.
Some people feel that only members of minority groups can write about them accurately, while others think research can solve that problem. And some stories, especially in picture books, are universally true and the illustrations could show children of any race or national background.
I believe the more characters of varied ethnicity children read about and see in illustrations the less likely they are to become prejudiced adults.
I think you stated some very valid posts. Books are here to entertain and let the imagination take flight. I think any author who does research can write on any topic. Besides, how does a minority know if the author isn't married, adopted, etc to that minority or has a good friend of a certain culture. Just like you can't judge a book by its cover . . . you can't judge a person, a culture, or race.
Thank you, Virginia.
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