Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Old Friends

Do any of you remember the song we used to sing in Girl Scouts, "Make new friends, but keep the old...?"

I've been thinking of it a lot lately because I'm realizing more and more how much my old friends mean to me. While I have some good friends I've only gotten to know in recent years, there's something special about sharing memories with others.

Of course, "old" is a relative term. I've known some of my old friends since we were kids together, and was able to reconnect with some of those at class reunions. Others I've known for over forty years and some for only 20 or 10 years, but we still share a lot of memories.

Then there are the ones, like neighbors from my childhood,  that I've lost track of and wish I could find again.

But friends I make today may be among my old friends in the future, assuming we live long enough for that to happen.

Of course making new friends is wonderful, but there is definitely a difference between the new, "silver" friendships and the "golden ones. I'm happy to have some of each and hope you do, too.


Rena Jones said...

Friends are priceless.

Janet Ann Collins said...

They certainly are worth more than silver or gold.