Wednesday, March 14, 2018


Hub Caps
One day as I walked down a sidewalk in town I started noticing the hubcaps of the vehicles parked along the street.

I couldn’t believe the variety of designs on something so ordinary and practical. Hubcaps all are round, and most have five or six holes, but the number of variations is amazing!

Since then I’ve noticed hubcaps any time I’m in a parking lot and continue to be surprised at how many different ways there are to shape them.

Thinking about the hubcaps reminds me of how different we human beings are from each other. Most of us have the same basic body parts, with some variations for gender, age, race, and special needs. But very few humans look exactly alike, and our minds are all completely unique.

Just as we can come up with many ways to design hubcaps we’ve used our creative abilities in thousands of ways and keep coming up with new things. 

People are amazing!

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