Saturday, July 27, 2013


I never post photosor personal information about my kids or grandkids online because of the bad guys out there. I try not even to mention their names on the internet.

But I recently had a visit from two grandkids who I seldom see and can't resist blogging about how much I enjoyed the visit.

I loved being a parent and did my best to be a good one. Of course I'll never stop loving my children even though they're all grown up and left the nest years ago.

But there's something even better about having grandchildren.

Although there are exceptions, as when kids live with their grandparents, usually the grandparents don't have to deal with behavior, school, or other things we dealt with when raising our own kids. We can simply enjoy the grandchildren.

And at the end of a visit we old folks can rest and relax instead of being on duty as parents 24/7.

I wish I could see my grandchildren more often, but when I do see them I appreciate being able to spend time with them more than words can express.

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