Saturday, January 20, 2018

Technological Advances

Forty years ago if we saw people walking down the street alone and talking out loud we’d have assumed they were insane. Now we know they’re using their phones.
Four hundred years ago using any of our technology - even listening to a radio or turning on electric lights - would have gotten people burned at the stake for witchcraft. (If you ever time travel, leave your cellphone at home.)
We can do things today I didn’t even imagine when I was a kid, but now my writerly imagination suggests future possibilities all the time.
For instance, I understand mechanical arms are now available for people who have lost their arms. Maybe in the future we’ll have a third arm the can plug into our shoulders if we need an extra hand.
And, instead of computers and cellphones, maybe we’ll be able to use the web through brain implants.
But then an evil world government might take over and control everyone on the planet. (Okay, my writerly imagination is taking over again.)
Flying cars could become a major problem. How could traffic be controlled? And imagine the terrible result of collisions in the sky.

What technological advances do you think might really happen in the future?


LookMaNoHands said...

Did you hear about the woman that was being beaten? She had Alexa and it called the police. Great for her, but? a little scary, too. What else will these technological gizmos do with private conversations? Kind of Brave New World. Technological advance're can be a double edged sword.

Janet Ann Collins said...

Wow! No, I didn't hear about that. Thanks for sharing it.