Saturday, April 18, 2009

Eight Tips to Getting Kids to Eat Vegetables

Okay, grown-ups, this post is for you. If you have a kid who won't eat healthy vegetables, here are some tips that may help:
1. Let children help grow and harvest vegetables for family meals.
2. Add pureed vegetables to pasta sauce, soups, or casseroles in small amounts. (Green spaghetti isn’t appealing.)
3. Boil celery in a mixture of apple juice and water for a sweet taste.
4. Offer freeze-dried vegetables, often found in natural food stores, as snacks.
5. Serve peas, beans, and young asparagus raw.
6. French fry beans or thin slices of zucchini with plenty of salt.
7. Serve tomato slices with sugar on them.
8. Teach kids to prepare and cook vegetables for the family.

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