Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Happily After All

Happily After All is one of the best Middle Grade books I've read, and I've read thousands.

I got it from the library because of the title, which is a clever referral to fairy tales. I loved it because of the characters, setting, and plot, all of which were excellent.

The book is about a girl who is sent to live with her birth mother after her father, who has had custody since she was a tiny tot, dies.

Becca doesn't want to go from sunny southern California to the woods of Vermont.

When she gets there she likes the horses, and does get to know some other kids, but is careful not to get close to anyone since she plans to return to CA.

Then she discovers some mysterious things about her own past and others about a boy in her class and is lead into danger.

I won't give away the plot but it's exciting, and I'm sure lots of kids would love this book.
 Unfortunately, it was published in 1990, so  it's probably be hard to find.

I googled the author's name, Laura C. Stevenson, and learned she's written a lot of other books since this one.  She's a great writer, so I'll definitely try to read those.


Laura said...

Thank you very much for your kind words! Happily After All was very popular with mid-grade girls in the 1990s, running several impressions, and so it is easy to get hold of through online second-hand bookstores. This year is its twenty-fifth anniversary, so I was just delighted to see that somebody still likes it! My other kids' books are available in the same way online.
All the King's Horses and A Castle in the Window (both originally printed in England) can be obtained in ebook form -- but it's a little complicated in this country.

My two books for adults, Return in Kind (2010), and Liar From Vermont (2015), are in print. The first of these is about loss -- in part, about loss of hearing. The second is a coming-of-age book set in the 1950's, set in the same house as Happily After All.

You can see the settings on my web site:

Janet Ann Collins said...

Thank you, Laura. I hope you're working on even more books.

penelope anne cole said...

Hi Jan,
I love that you introduce me to great MG novels. That's my favorite in children's genre to read. So thank you very much and keep up the good work of finding great MG novels for us to enjoy!

Janet Ann Collins said...

Penny, it's nice to know I'm not the only grown-up who loves to read kids' books.