Saturday, December 28, 2013

New Perspective

Along with other fruit trees and plants I have some fig trees and raspberry bushes in my yard. Every year when I pick the ripe fruit I think I've gotten everything, but then look at the tree or bush from a different direction.

Sometimes I bend down, other times I walk back around from a different direction, and sometimes I move branches and leaves aside. When doing that I nearly always see some ripe fruit I've missed.

Now that Christmas has passed it's common for people to look back at the year we've just experienced and start wondering what the next year will bring. Many people made resolutions to accomplish things in 2013 and feel badly if they failed to do everything they had planned.

This year why don't we look at things from a different perspective?

Instead of thinking about what we did or didn't accomplish in 2013 why not look back and think about everything we experienced that we hadn't even guessed would happen back in January?

Instead of making a list of New Year's Resolutions for 2014 let's look at the new year from a different perspective. We can be creative and make a list of the most wonderful things that could possibly happen to us and put that list where we'll be able to see it all year.

Later, if we wish, we can do some practical things to try to make some of our dreams come true, but that's not a requirement.

For right now, lets just imagine what the future might be like if our dreams come true. If we look at 2014 from a new perspective it can be a year of adventure!

What are your dreams for the new year?

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