Saturday, October 6, 2012


I recently read Captain Courage and the Fear Squishing Shoes by Stacey A. Marshall and loved it. As a kid I was a lot like Katie, who moved to a new school and felt afraid to talk to anyone. Her school principal turned into Captain Courage and destroyed her fear so she felt brave enough to speak out in class and all the kids loved what she shared.
If only real school principals had time to help individual students like Mr. Magico did.

The bright illustrations by Michele Morse portray the story wonderfully.

And, even though this is a fictional story, this morning I saw a video about scientific studies that show what Captain Courage did can actually work in real life for adults, too. The video is long, but if any grown-ups want to watch it, here's the link

But the delightful book is better for encouraging shy kids.


penelope anne cole said...

Hi Jan, thanks for the video link. I think this book can help shy kids to learn to be more self-confident. I reviewed it today, too.

Susan Hornbach said...

Hi Janet, I too reviewed Captain Courageous. (post next week) I feel Stacey's book is a gift to children who have the shy blues. I think it will be a learning tool for teachers and parents, as well as an entertaining book for all children. Wishing you great success Stacey.

Unknown said...

This looks so interesting and well worth the read and video!

Janet Ann Collins said...

Thanks to everyone for the nice comments.

Susan B James said...

Delightful sounding book. Thanks