Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Computers! We can't live with them and we can't live without them!
All my e-mail accounts were down for about 24 hours. At least the automated message from tech support told me what to do so I didn't have to wait on hold for ages. But when the messages did arrive they all went to the junk mail file. Guess now I'll need to reset and retrain that.
But every time I start to complain about this kind of problem I remember how things were in past centuries when it took months to get letters, if they arrived at all. People who came to America from other continents might never again have heard from the people they left behind. Even half a century ago letters often took two weeks to arrive, and phone calls only worked if the other person happened to be available. Even answering machines didn't exist.
Okay, even with the nuisance of occasional tech problems, internet access is much more a blessing than a curse.


Anonymous said...

Great post Janet. So true. I can get so frustrated at times, but when I think of what I would do without some of the modern day technology, all I can think is, oh my! Glad you are able to access your emails again.

Janet Ann Collins said...

Thanks, Susanne.