Wednesday, July 25, 2018


I usually finish a book in a few hours, but right now I’m reading Les Miserables. I’ve been reading it for several days and I’m only a little bit past halfway through.
Classic children’s books like Heidi, Little Women, and Tom Sawyer are still good. But many of the classic books for adults certainly couldn’t get published today.
But a lot of that is because our tastes have changed.
Long ago I read and enjoyed Ben Hur. But a few years ago I started reading it again and when I got to page 50 and nothing had happened except a camel walking across the desert I put it down and never read any more of it.
I guess, like everyone else in our time, I’m spoiled by the internet, TV, etc. and expect instant gratification.
But I do plan to finish Les Miserables because I’m enjoying it.
Maybe I’ll even try Ben Hur again.

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